Kia Connect Frequently Asked Questions


To start the sign-up process, open the Kia Connect app and select the In-Car Payment option from the menu. After accepting the terms and conditions, connect your vehicle, register, and activate the card in Kia Pay to complete your registration.

To use In-Car Payment, you must first sign up for Kia Connect.

In-Car Payment is currently available for all EV3 vehicles released after August 2024. Please note that support for additional vehicles will be expanded over time.

You can register and use multiple vehicles, and activate In-Car Payment for each registered vehicle in the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Registered vehicles > Select target vehicles > Use In-Car Payment

Yes, adding your card to Kia Pay makes payments from your vehicle easier and more secure.

Kia Pay is a digital wallet service that enables seamless payments for upgrades and services.

Using the Kia Pay service is free of charge.

In-Car Payment supports Visa, Mastercard, and American Express (Amex) cards.

You can register your preferred card in the Kia Connect app and set it as your main payment method.

Steps: Click Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Registered cards > Card details > Click the heart at the top left of the card image

Card verification is required to complete the connection to the In-Car Payment service. Please enter the CVC/CVV from the back of the card to finish the setup process.

Yes, you can delete the card from the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Registered cards > Card details > Delete this card

The In-car Payment service is available in the following countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Finland, Ireland, Slovenia, Hungary, Portugal. Further countries will be onboarded in the near future.

You can use In-Car Payment in car parks serviced by our partner Parkopedia (Easy Park). There will be signs that show the car parks that accept In-Car Payment within the navigation window. You can identify available car parks nearby as follows:

Navigation route: Home > In-Car Payment > Parking

The use of personal information is outlined in the Terms of Use, which you can review during the In-Car Payment registration process.

When you arrive at a car park where In-Car Payment is accepted, a guide pop-up will appear. Once you enter the In-Car Payment screen through the guide pop-up, you can review and enter parking and payment details to start your parking session.

1. For post-paid car parks, the session can end via the guide pop-up when you leave the car park, or it can also end automatically when the reservation reaches the maximum time limit.

2. For pre-paid car parks, the session ends automatically either when the vehicle leaves the car park or upon reaching the maximum time limit. You can park at the same car park again with the parking session still open. However, if the parking session hasn't ended, you may not be able to use In-Car Payment..

Unfortunately, we do not currently offer the option to extend parking sessions.

If for any reason the guide pop-up for ending the parking session did not appear on the navigation screen, you can open it by selecting the parking POI on the map.

Local authorities can verify this through an online check that lets them see the parking information.

If the card suspension is lifted within a week after the parking session ends, the payment will be processed automatically. However, if more than a week has passed or if you're unable to use the card, please reach out to our customer support.

A maximum time limit may exist depending on the local and car park policies. Even if there is no maximum time limit, the parking session will be limited to 24 hours due to Parkopedia's policy.

You can enable/disable the PIN in the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Settings > PIN activation

When you click on In-Car Payment in the Kia Connect app, you can view the parking start time, end time, remaining time, and estimated cost.

If the parking session was not completed properly due to issues with vehicle communication or a merchant issue, please contact customer support.

No, there are no separate charges for the In-Car Payment service.

Once the parking session ends and the payment is processed, you will receive a push notification from the Kia Connect app. This notification will allow you to review the parking time and payment amount. If the payment amount is not included in the push notification, there may be delays depending on the specific merchant. In such cases, the payment will reflect the amount of time you spent parked once processed. You can subsequently view the payment details in the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Recent services

You can activate/deactivate push notifications in the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Settings > Push notifications

The amount displayed in the app is an estimate, and additional charges such as taxes and parking fees may apply. For further details, please refer to the car park fee policy.

If the card suspension is lifted within a week after the parking session ends, the payment will be processed automatically. However, if more than a week has passed or if you're unable to use the card, please reach out to our customer service centre.

You can check the payment details in the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Order history

You can check and download the invoice on the Kia Connect app.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Order history > Click on the corresponding parking session > View invoice

If your card is lost, report this to your card issuer and our customer support promptly. If you have access to the Kia Connect app, please remove the card from the app as well.

Steps: Kia Connect App > In-Car Payment > Registered cards > Card details > Delete this card